Urban Planning in Benin
Development of urban planning documents for 4 of the target cities covered by the Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change Programme (PAVICC)
N° 861
📍 Benin
🗓 12/2021 – 12/2022
€ 1.353.000
Client : Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Développement Durable (Bénin)
Financing : French Agency for Development (AFD)
- Managing and Monitoring Technical Assistance Projects and Capacity Building
- Decentralization and Governance
- Urban Development
Project Description
The four cities studied (Cotonou, Sèmè-Podji, Bohicon and Comè) are involved in the Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change Programme (PAVICC).
The PAVICC supports cities with integrating local areas’ vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change into urban planning in order to:
- Anticipate/better guide urban growth;
- Increase the urban resilience of these areas to natural disasters.
This entails urban planning that is resilient to these risks, pleasant urban growth (more green and blue spaces to reduce the effects of heat islands, more shaded areas, etc.) and a more virtuous and environmentally-friendly urban planning process that uses shared governance methods.
Provided services by Urbaconsulting
Developing urban planning documents for the 4 target cities to enable urban planning that is adapted to climate change and to local socio-economic issues.
- Developing climate change-sensitive local assessments: identifying and defining the sources of risk (climate changes, vulnerability, exposure of cities and their populations), then determining the risks that need to be taken into account in future urban planning;
- Adjusting the urban development scenarios to the identified climate risks, completing the spatial definition of risk areas and areas where no construction is allowed;
- Adopting a participatory process to establish the fundamental economic and social development, sustainable land use and local area promotion (including tourism) strategies;
- Drawing up a reference list of urban planning documents that are binding on third parties (Master Plan for Urban Development and Planning, Municipal Master Plans for Urban Development, Urban Master Plans, and updating the Economic and Social Development Plans);
- Facilitating ownership of land use management documents and tools by the various stakeholders in order to ensure cities commit to an urban resilience process.
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