Technical assistance and waste management in Nigeria

Technical Assistance in Nigeria

Technical assistance to the Federal Ministry of the Environment to help implement solid and plastic waste management policies

📍 Nigeria
🗓 02/2021 – 06/2022

Client : French Agency for Development (AFD)
Financing : French Development Agency (AFD)


Project Description

The project aims to:

  • Support the Federal Ministry in charge of the sector with implementing the recently approved policies;
  • Propose guidelines on all structural stages, in a situation where the private sector is the driving force within the sector;
  • Build stakeholder capacities;
  • Ensure  coherent dialogue between the federal and state governments.

Provided services by Urbaconsulting

  • Phase 1: Conducting an institutional and organisational assessment, assisting with the assessments in 3 representative states, supporting the creation of a national sector database.
  • Phase 2: Developing a training and workshop plan that focuses on the specific issues identified during phase 1 in order to establish the national roadmap for the sector. The workshops held to discuss this roadmap will focus on the regulation tools required for a sector driven by private stakeholders, the financing options for recycling and waste collection and treatment channels, the energy recovery of waste, and the structuring of plastic waste channels.
  • Phase 3: Producing sector governance recommendations, a capacity-building plan, and a funding proposal.

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